Principal’s Words
“All power is within you; you can do anything and everything”. — Swami Vivekananda
शिक्षा एव देशस्य निर्माणस्य एकमात्रं साधनम् अस्ति
Education is the only tool to build a cultured nation. We cannot imagine a good and humane future for a country without an accessible, affordable and qualitative education. In a country like Bharat, it becomes even more applicable and relatable. Padmabhushan Pujya Shri Karamshibhai Jethabhai Somaiya had sown a seed called Somaiya Vidyavihar Education Trust in September 1959, that has turned into a large tree now, imparting education, wisdom, and employability to myriads of pupils from all over the globe.

This noble advancement is the result of a confluence of factors, including the state-of-the-art infrastructure, effective teaching pedagogy, strict discipline, and rigorous efforts in teaching and research of faculty members, non-teaching staff, and students for the cause of education, the unwavering efforts of its management, steadfast alumni and other stakeholders who have shown their continuous support for this institution.
K J Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce, Vidyavihar, Mumbai has been a top-notch education centre, creating and shaping the future of citizens of Bharat and students from across the globe, ever since its inception. The college commits to academic excellence, a great concern for social and moral values, and a positive sense of creating value at a higher and institutional level; these qualities have helped the college to secure strong footing as a premier institution of higher learning.

The college has a high standard for research and innovation; it regularly organises conferences, seminars, symposia, and workshops to nurture strong research ethics in its faculty and students. Apart from stellar research contributions by its faculty members, the students (at the post-graduate level) regularly publish research papers in SCOPUS/UGC Care-Listed journals.
Moreover, the college lays great emphasis on the students’ holistic development via robust teaching-learning practices, mentor-mentee schemes, organising various training programs, research competitions, student development programs, curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities to develop much-needed skills and competencies among its pupils.
The college has utilised the academic autonomy to its optimum level and brought about significant changes in syllabus and evaluation pattern in all programs; more importantly, the college introduced components in the syllabi of various courses in sync with market needs to enhance the employability opportunities of the pupils. To this effect, many multi-national companies visit the college every year for placements, providing placements to good number of students; the college has improved its standing in placements to a higher level.
Arya Chanakya, in his Arthashastra, says रुपयौवनसम्पणा विशालकुलसंभवः विद्याहीना न शोभन्ते निर्गंध इव किंशुकः (Despite having a well-endowed physique, beauty and charms and origin of a rich family, a person without education is as useless as the flower of Palash, which looks beautiful but has no fragrance) our students too spread their fragrance of wisdom all over the globe, because, at K. J. Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce Vidyavihar, we strive towards all-round development of our students who seek admission from all over the world. With Hostel facilities on campus and round-the-clock security, the students bask in the sunshine of the lush green campus of the college and progress under the observation of our highly qualified professors, most of whom possess the highest qualification, i.e. Ph.D.
Having Ph.D., PG, UG and Diploma (Junior College) courses, the college caters more than eight thousand pupils from morning to late evening, preparing them for the modern world by teaching them global citizenship. At all levels, the college has adopted a robust policy to develop and nurture the following skills among its pupils: Self-awareness, entrepreneurship, empathy, discipline, social service, creativity, critical and logical thinking, scientific temperament, decision-making, problem-solving, effective communication and so on.
Our larger mission is to inculcate the love of knowledge in our students; hence, we have been emphasizing, through our actions, to nurture the values of lifelong ‘learning,’ essential for making responsible global citizens. This value system will make them immensely capable of facing the future with resilience and optimism
Being an autonomous institution, we have started the NEP-2020 from AY 2023-24, and have already embarked on our exciting passage towards creating a new world—a world with humane wisdom, a world worth living for all creatures, a world that believes in वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम—the whole world is one family, because we believe in the philosophy. क्षणशः कणशश्चैव विद्यां अर्थं च साधयेत्। क्षणे नष्टे कुतो विद्या कणे नष्टे कुतो धनम्॥ Every moment should be used to learn and every small coin should be used to save it, learning cannot be achieved by destroying moments and wealth cannot be achieved by destroying coins.
Prof. (Dr.) Kishan H. Pawar
M. A. Eng. M. Phil. Ph .D. SET, PGCTE, Ph. D. Guide (University of Mumbai)