MASTER OF COMMERCE - K J Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce

Master of Commerce | M.Com.

A Master’s of Commerce in Advanced Accountancy, abbreviated as M.Com degree is a two years spread over four semesters post graduate master’s degree imparted in regular mode at K. J. Somaiya College of Arts & Commerce (Autonomous). In, M.Com – Advanced Accountancy, focus is on corporate accounting, taxation and strategic finance.

However, to solve the needs of managerial cadre in business and industry, a course on strategic management and research methodology is taught to the learners. Master in Commerce (M.Com) in itself a specialised post graduate degree programme to prepare an individual for a career in Accounting and Finance in corporate sector as well as a basic qualification to enter into teaching profession. M.Com, serves as essential pre-requisite for pursuing a Doctorate studies, Ph.D degree, focusing on Niche areas, emerging accounting fields.

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Key Information


A Master’s degree programme M.Com – Accountancy at K.J. Somaiya College of Arts & Commerce, develops skills and knowledge that deepen an educators understanding of the field by delivering course content as below :

1) Classroom Teaching – Chalk and Duster method combined with use of ICT. To encourage contact between learner and faculty, case study, problem solving etc are used to promote computational and analytical ability.

2) Group study / Discussion – Developing reciprocity, co-operative learning and group dynamics.

3) Regular assignments to learners and their presentation on syllabi is practice to emphasis time on task.

Programme Outcome

  • Learners are expected to gain more specialized understanding of corporate accounting and corporate finance..

  • Learners to be able to demonstrate mastery related to advanced knowledge, methods, research and professionalism.

  • As the course contents are more practical in nature, Learners are expected to prepare better with the skills need in the workplace.

  • This master’s degree holder to serve a key stepping stone to a career in Accountancy and Business Management either by advancing to a Doctoral degree or to a educational institution or in industry.


Semester I Semester II
Strategic Management Research Methodology for Business
Economics for Business Decisions Macro Economics Concepts and Applications
Cost & Management Accounting Corporate Finance
Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility E-Commerce


At K J Somaiya College of Arts & Commerce (Autonomous) – Master’s in Advanced Accountancy to be pursued by a learner as a first choice institution owing to :

  • The intellectually acrobatic full time courser immerses learner in their studies alongside like-minded individuals on the college premises.
  • A Master’s programme constructed incorporating published required information, theory and practice which is periodically reviewed and revised as needed by the faculty to ensure accurate representation of vision, mission of the institution and the programme outcome in specific.