About the Association

SOCIAL HEALTH EDUCATION COMMITTEE (SHEC) was established in the year 2012 and operates under the auspices of the Department of Sociology with the aim of providing holistic social experiences to students.

Social Health is a positive dimension of health and refers to our ability to interact and form meaningful relationships with others. As teachers and facilitators, we understand that humans as social creatures are meant to have significant relationships and connections for our health and wellness. Sociologists have created a link between social relationships and health outcomes. Through varied activities that are interesting and student-friendly, SHEC strives towards creating impact on mental, physical and moral health of students.


Social Health Education Committee aims at imbibing the students with life skills. A variety of programmes, workshops and activities are organized to fulfill this objective. Active participation in Social Health activities will enable the students to sharpen the following life skills:

  • Demonstrate Empathy, which is the ability to understand others’ feelings in a particular situation
  • Decision making through analyzing problems and reaching an appropriate solution
  • Effective communication skills that facilitate interaction with people in positive ways
  • Engagement with community members
  • Develop meaningful interpersonal relationships based on understanding and goodwill with others
  • Critical Thinking through analyzing perspectives and objectively evaluate the same
  • Coping with stress and emotional distress, thereby helping to adapt to social situations

Committee Members

Teachers Committee:

Dr. Rohini Fadte

Students Committee:

Sonal Jambhekar

Khushi Vira

Sonal Jambhekar

Priyanshi Joshi

Sonal Jambhekar

Krushi Nathwani

Sonal Jambhekar

Shruti Shukla

Sonal Jambhekar

Janvi Tank

Sonal Jambhekar

Bhargavi Sharma

Sonal Jambhekar

Deepa Yadav
