About Student Council

The Students’ Council Committee of the college comprises of the chairman (Principal),the appointed Incharge (Coordinator) and chairpersons of NSS, NCC and SPORTS. In addition to these teaching staff members, a group of students who are academically good and also good in co-curricular activities are selected as the members. For this, the chairpersons of NSS, NCC ,SPORTS and CULTURAL FORUM are requested to nominate three good students in their respective activities to be considered as members for the formation of Students’ Council.

Care is taken that at least one student from each class is selected ie: there will be at least one student from FYBA/SYBA/TYBA and FYBCOM/SYBCOM/TYBCOM and also MCOM-I /MCOM-II/ MA. This ensures that, every class is correctly represented .

In addition to these above-mentioned student members, the TOPPERS from the college from every subject are considered in the Students’ Council. Also, as per the requirement, two lady students and also students from backward classes specifically have to be included in the Students’ Council. Thus , there is a perfect representation of academic excellence , excellence in co-curricular activities , all classes and all categories of students in the Students’ Council.

Then, from these selected members, one student has to be elected who will be our GENERAL SECRETARY and also the UNIVERSITY REPRESENTATIVE. For this, the necessary voting is done by filling the form of election and one member is duly elected as per procedure.

The UNIVERSITY REPRESENTATIVE is supposed to attend meetings at the University and is a link between university and college regarding students activities.

Aims & Objectives

  • The Aim of Student’s Council is to look after the welfare of the students and to promote and co-ordinate the extra- curricular activities of different students association of or better corporate life. The Council shall not engage in Political Activities.

  • To coordinate/facilitate/encourage all student activities like performing arts ,Gymkhana activities, Elocution ,debate etc.

  • To encourage feeling of democracy, unity and citizenship among students.

  • To encourage growth of values, humanity and nationality among students.

  • To encourage feeling of bonding towards society , state, Nation among students.

  • To ensure that students are disciplined within the college / campus.

  • To organize various activities to encourage social ,cultural ,personality development of students.

  • To solve students issues / grievances.

  • To organise beneficial programs for students.

  • To make necessary facilities available for students.
