Commerce Unaided

H.S.C Commerce Un-Aided

The changing times have radically changed the Indian Job market and have opened new vistas for students of commerce. Thus, there is need to create an equilibrium so that there is no intrinsic bias and one section or subject should not gain any undue advantage over the other i.e. Accountancy and Business Studies.

Commerce is prospering like anything because of demand of commerce students in the market. Opting for Commerce studies at Higher Secondary level serves the purpose of a concrete stepping stone for all the commerce related activities.

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Key Information


The pedagogy includes Lectures, assignments, presentations, Demo sessions, guest lectures (on the time of Board Exam Preparation), and interactive Practical lectures. Students are expected to spend considerable time in study and come prepared for the exams.


Students are opting for commerce stream, as it not only opens doors for more conventional options like getting into colleges of business administration, professional institutes like ICAI, ICWA etc. but also helps students to set up business on their own. Thus instead of seeking employment they tend to generate employment opportunities for others and themselves. Nowadays, in addition to the conventional objectives the main objective of learning Commerce is to create and consolidate the sense of entrepreneurship among higher secondary students. The commerce stream offers a myriad opportunities and the liberty to choose one’s own path.


English-Compulsory subject Economics
Hindi / Marathi / Gujarati / Sanskrit / Japanese  / German / French Environmental studies-Compulsory subject
Book Keeping and Accountancy Mathematics / Secretarial Practice
Organization of Commerce Physical Education-Compulsory subject

NOTE: IT(Information Technology) subject is NOT offered in XI Unaided Commerce.