PH.D. ARTS GUJARATI - K J Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce

Ph.D in Gujarati (Humanities)

Ph.D. Centre of K. J. Somaiya College of Arts & Commerce was commenced in 2011 under the guide ship of Dr. Sudha Vyas, HOD (Department of Gujarati). The centre was granted the permission to admit the research scholars under the criteria of Gujarati Literature. The Centre is well equipped with information technology equipments as well as the research software’s. Also research material is available for students to conduct research for paper presentation or minor research.The library attached to the research centre is updated with the recent reference books in suitable criteria. One research scholar has already completed her doctorate programme successfully. The training programme required to be completed by research scholars is arranged in association with Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research. A research scholar is currently pursuing her research under the guidance of Dr. Sudha Vyas.

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Key Information

Ph.D Awarded / Ongoing



Name of Student Topic
Mrs. Preeti H. Dave Dinkar Joshi ni Navalkatha ma Manviya Sambandho nu Nirupan


Name of Student Topic
Mrs. Meena Thakar Varsha Adalja ni Navalkatha ma Stri Nirupan

Guide's Profile

Dr. Sudha Yogesh Vyas
B.A, M. A, Diploma in Journalism, M. Phil, Ph.D., D. Litt.
  • Dr. Sudha Yogesh Vyas, HOD, Department of Gujarati initiated her tenure in the college from 1994. She completed her post-graduation from Mumbai University in the area of Gujarati. She achieved her doctorate degree in the area of Pannalal Patel ni Janpadi Navalkatha, Gujarati from Mumbai University under the guidance of Dr. Jaya. She achieved the expertise in M. Phil., from Mumbai University. Being the initiator of Research Centre in college, one research scholars has successfully completed her doctorate degree under her able guide ship. Another one research scholar is currently pursuing the programme in the versatile areas of Gujarati. She is also shouldering the responsibility of placement of students. Remarkable number of students has been placed successfully. Ten research papers presented at various recognized national and international seminars are to her credit along with Six Journals and 11 Publications.