Library Rules
All the students are hereby informed that the following rules are to be observed in the library strictly.
- All persons using the Library are subject to the discipline of the College.
- The students or staff members sitting in library should sit in disciplined manner. Do not sit in obscene posture in the library.
- Library has separate sitting arrangement for boys and girls and no student should overrule this arrangement in any manner. The boys and girl students should occupy respective seats reserved for them in the reading room and keep strict silence.
- No entry inside the counter or Internet cabin without prior permission of the counter staff.
- The books issued for home reading from library must be returned on due date that is put up on date slip behind the book. If the same book is required again for the next week, then student must renew the book on the due date itself.
- If the book is not returned in time, the student is required to pay fine as per the college rules.
- If any student lost a library book should meet the Librarian immediately, before taking any further action against the student.
- Library books and personal items left unattended at user places for long periods may be removed by Library staff.

- Students should maintain discipline while sitting in the reading room & should not make noise or talk among each other in the library. Mobile telephones must be switched off and must not use noisy calculators. In order to avoid disturbance to other users, quiet and good order must be maintained in the Library at all times.
- Books are the wealth & library is pride of our college. Students should not torn the pages or should not mark or write on the books or periodicals. The students, who do not follow the rules, remain on the black list of the library and the library does not like to give any kind of services to such students

- If any student fails to return the books even after sending reminder, a very strict action will be taken against that student.
- The library reading room furniture should be used in proper manner. Do not write or stick anything on the tables or chairs or any furniture.
- Taking snacks, lunch etc. in the reading room is prohibited. Library staff may ask users to remove food and drink from the Library at any time.
- The reference books are not allowed to take out of the library for any purpose. Keep all belongings aside and carry only a pen and a notebook inside the Reference Counter.
- The students can give recommendations for books any time during the academic year to the Librarian. If the books recommended by students are available in Library, then the information about those books will be put up on the notice board.
- The notice board should be read regularly, as the information about various courses and book lists are displayed on the board.
- Students are free to use computerized catalogue on the terminals kept at the counters. Handle the computers very carefully and do not shut down any computer at any time..
- All the students are required to strictly adhere to the above rules and cooperate with the library staff for smooth functioning of the library.
- Talking on mobile phones in the library is strictly prohibited. Fine of Rs. 100/- will be charged.
Interlibrary Loan - Global Common Circulation
Rules for Faculty
- Faculty can refer books within the library/ borrow maximum one book for 7 days only.
- In case of overdue fine, Fine will be charged per day.
- Book lost is to replaced immediately, otherwise the Account will be Blocked.
- Periodicals or any other reference documents should be referred within the library.
- Books / documents should be handled carefully.
Rules for students
- A college valid identity card is necessary for visiting any library.
- Reference Books and Periodicals are for reference only within the library.
- Students are requested to follow the rules of the visiting library.
- Student can borrow maximum one book for 7 days only.
- In case of book returned after due date file will be charged per day.
- Book lost is to replaced immediately, otherwise his / Her Account will be Blocked.
Note : In case of any discrepancy / misuse / delay / loses strict action will be taken as stated above.
Online Book reservation facility
- Staff Members and Students can only online reserve the book when all copies of the same book are not available in the library (issued to other members).
- Book will be kept reserved only for one day.
- If many users reserved the same book. The reserved book will be issued on a first come first serve basis.